Thursday, May 3, 2012

Photo of Ken Taylor

Thanks so much Misty12 for that research!! Now, we have a recent pic of him. Wow, Ken Taylor is supposed to be in protective custody, and he has all of his info on the internet. Omg, and the title of his ad is "Dr. Kenneth Z. Taylor (I'm a dentist)".


Birth Date:
February 7, 1949
Incarcerated Since: November 18, 1984
Release Date:
November 16, 2014
Convicted Of:
Home Town: Cincinnati, OH
Race: Caucasian
Religion: Protestant
190 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women Only
S Orientation: Straight

Will Write Overseas: Yes
I am open minded. I am looking for a women to be a friend, preferably 10 - 15 years of my age but not absolutely necessary. I have no ethnic prejudices. I prefer honest, trustworthy people. I'm 6'1", been incarcerated since November 18, 1984. I'm a dentist. The crime was a homicide which was tried and adjudicated as murder. So be it. My crime had nothing to do with my profession, and I am not a s{}offender. I'm lonely. I'd love to have a good woman, friend to ride out my time and get to know. I could be as good for the right woman as she would be for me. I'll be in touch.
Kenneth Taylor #1103011
Sussex I State Prison
1 - B - 35
24414 Musselwhite Dr.
Waverly, VA 23891-1111